Sign up for a free online Will during National Wills Week with Smartwill and Clientèle

Jul 1, 2024

Johannesburg, 13 September 2021

SmartWill has partnered with Clientèle for National Wills Week to give 1000 South Africans free customised Wills when they sign up on SmartWill before the 20th September 2021.

Each Will is valued at R550 and will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Once a user has completed their online Will application at, they will receive a code within seven days to complete the process. The Will application will be vetted by SmartWill’s team of fiduciary and legal experts.

“I know from personal experience that a breadwinner passing on, without a valid Will is traumatic and puts financial strain on loved ones and family members left behind. A significant number of  South Africans don’t have a valid Will in place. Our partnership with Clientèle will help us achieve our goal of putting as many Wills into the hands of eligible adult South Africans, to keep wealth and legacies intact and avoid unnecessary suffering,” says CEO of Cliqtech, Zale Hechter.

Every year, billions of Rands go unclaimed in South Africa because family members are not aware of policies and investments that a deceased had. There are many reasons why this is the case, such as a lack of a valid Will, an outdated Will, a poorly drafted Will or a simple mistake like a beneficiary signing as a witness.

Our CEO Zale Hechter speaks with Newz Room Afrika about the importance of having a Will.

The SmartWill online platform ensures this does not happen. When creating your Will through SmartWill, there is a digital ‘life file’ or snapshot of the Estate created, which includes all of a user’s policies and investments in one safe and easy-to-navigate location. This is a first-of-its-kind fiduciary technology that ensures your beneficiaries can easily find information about your estate when you pass on.

The Cliqtech and Clientèle partnership has brought together two parties with a common goal – to provide South Africans with watertight, valid Wills.

“We offer insurance  products that add value to our customers’ lives. Supporting initiatives that ultimately improve the financial wellness of a client’s estate is of paramount importance. A solid Will is the foundation to any estate planning process and ensures assets go to the intended beneficiaries. The partnership with Cliqtech allows us to inform and assist South African citizens in preserving their hard-earned wealth with a Will,”says Head of Intermediated Sales and Distribution at Clientèle, Bart Wouters

Wealth lost without a valid Will

SmartWill, developed by Cliqtech, allows users to create personalised Wills online. The easy-to-use platform captures information securely, accurately and holistically. SmartWill ensures that when a person passes away, the beneficiaries of their estate don’t carry the burden of trying to wind up that estate which in some cases can take years.

Clients benefit from signing up for a SmartWill that offers holistic protection with access to affordable and easy-to-understand professional fiduciary services. While a user completes a Will in their own time and space, they also have access to expert fiduciary advice at the click of a button.

Cliqtech and Clientèle are hopeful that this initiative will inspire South Africans to take the first step in securing their financial futures and legacies. Users must complete the sign up in seven days to receive the Will for free.

“We have a responsibility to assist with wealth preservation and transfer in South Africa which can have a significant impact on the South African economy and the wealth of future generations,” said Hechter.